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Newsletter, July 2009

Contents this month

Project News

Department of Energy and Climate Change - Heat and Energy Saving Strategy

Earlier this year we were successful in gaining a place on the engagement and facilitation framework for the Central Office of Information, the agency that provides communications and publicity services to UK Government departments. The first piece of work to come our way on the analysis and reporting branch of this framework was to process, collate and analyse the responses to the Department of Climate Change's Heat and Energy Saving Strategy consultation. The draft strategy set out the government's plans for saving energy and decarbonising our heating, now and in the future, and invited comments from interested parties on a series of 29 questions. We received all 302 responses in one go, many of which were extensive, detailed and technical and rapidly turned around the processing and analysis to produce the first draft of the report within a month. The report has now been published.

Southern Water - Peacehaven wastewater treatment plant

The controversial plans to build a new waste water treatment works in Peacehaven, East Sussex weren't well received by local residents and stakeholders when Southern Water identified suitable sites, consulted and eventually sought planning permission to build over the last 9 years. The plant is necessary as the area is among the last in the UK to not benefit from a modern sewage treatment works, but residents were extremely concerned with issues of construction disruption, operating disruption and odour. Subsequently they took action and have challenged and taken legal action against Southern Water over the years. The plans to build have finally been approved, and Dialogue by Design have been asked to assist in facilitating the first of the local liaison groups; a regular meeting of councillors, residents and campaigners who will scrutinise the works as they develop.

Joint Guidance on Radioactive Waste Management Cases from the regulators

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the two environment agencies (Environment Agency and Scottish Environmental Protection Agency) responsible for regulating the UK's radioactive waste are developing joint guidance to encourage waste holding sites to document management plans using a holistic, cradle-to-grave approach so that full information is successfully passed down through generations. They are working with the sites to develop this guidance and as changes have not been previously well received asked Dialogue by Design to develop a process, which would enable maximum input from the project team across the regulators from site license companies. We held a meeting in Windermere in April over 2 days which explored the issues and rationale behind the guidance in depth with the project team, followed by a meeting last week in Manchester with wider stakeholders. The meeting was a success and we are now working with the regulators to consider the next steps and opportunities for further engagement.

Environment Agency - Medmerry Managed Realignment Scheme

The Environment Agency is beginning to implement a coastal managed realignment scheme in Medmerry (on the South coast near Chichester). The Environment Agency is committed to continuing engagement with the local community who may potentially be affected by the managed realignment works. Dialogue by Design has been asked to plan, coordinate, facilitate a first stakeholder workshop in July 2009 followed by 3 Liaison group meetings later in the year and in 2010.

The 52 participants at the first workshop consisted of representatives from community groups, businesses and other environmental and amenity organisations as well as local residents. The aims of this workshop were to provide an update on the managed realignment scheme and what happens next; and discuss opportunities for getting people's input on the specific elements of the scheme design, including letting people know about the formal decision-making stages of the planning process. The workshop went on to discuss the technical aspects of the scheme and how and what stakeholders will be able to influence. Finally, the group agreed next steps, including the structure and membership of the project liaison group.

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DECC Low Carbon Communities Challenge
A two-year project testing ways to cut emissions at the community level.

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Dialogue Designer is a free tool which offers guidance in choosing the best engagement process for any given task.

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