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Citizens' Panels

Citizens' Panels are an effective means to discover stakeholder opinions without over-burdening the local population with endless surveys.

The attractions of making Citizens' Panels electronic are obvious - large savings on time and money, and much faster processing of the results, and a means to connect with young people.

But how representative can an e-panel be when a quarter of the population do not use the internet? Dialogue by Design have developed an innovative and unique system to integrate online methods of citizen engagement with more traditional paper-based methods. Our system allows our clients to conduct truly representative consultations, both economically and efficiently.

Smart Panel

Our bespoke tool, 'Smart Panel', is customised to client needs - size, duration and frequency of use. It enables you to:

  • Engage a representative cross-section of the local population
  • Use electronic processes to save time and money
  • Integrate electronic, paper-based and telephone responses
  • Involve larger samples to ensure results are credible
  • Collate, organise and analyse detailed qualitative comments
  • Provide transparent feedback to both participants and decision makers

The great advantage of 'Smart Panel' is that it allows respondents to use whichever contact method they prefer - encouraging interest and increasing response rates. By using the same structure for the task regardless of whether the results are received electronically, on paper, or by telephone, the whole process becomes simpler and faster. And we utilise our bespoke analysis system to analyse the results and offer the ability to display results clearly and easily on a website.

Further information

Case studies

To learn more about 'Smart Panel' please see our project case studies. In particular:

Contact us

For further information about 'Smart Panel' and to discuss your individual requirements contact us.



Photo: Lucy Farrow Open data, big data, rich data?
By Lucy Farrow

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DECC Low Carbon Communities Challenge
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Dialogue Designer is a free tool which offers guidance in choosing the best engagement process for any given task.

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