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Current projects

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Projects are listed alphabetically by client name.

Affinity Water

  • We are working with Affinity Water to design and deliver their engagement programme.

Anglian Water

  • We worked with Anglian Water to deliver their Discover Discuss Decide consultation on the choices shaping the future of their water and wastewater services. The consultation was part of a wider customer and stakeholder engagement programme being led by OPM. The consultation report has been published.

Arts Council England

  • In partnership with Involve, we have been commissioned by the Arts Council England to deliver the 3rd phase of the research entitled 'Envisioning the library of the future', including face-to-face workshops and online survey. Our reports can be found here.


  • Together with OPM, we are working with Defra and Sciencewise to deliver a citizen dialogue on the future direction of bovine TB policy. This dialogue work will engage a broad range of publics in the debate about bovine TB control measures and the future eradication strategy. Dialogue outputs will be used alongside the findings from Defra's formal strategy consultation, taking place this summer 2013, to inform the development of an eradication strategy for bovine TB.

EDF Energy

  • We will be working with EDF Energy over the next few years as they consult with public and stakeholders on the proposals for the Sizewell C nuclear power station in Suffolk. We will be helping design, deliver, analyse and report on consultation throughout this period as EDF Energy develop their plans and apply for development consent from the Planning Inspectorate as a major infrastructure project.

HS2 Ltd

  • We are working with HS2 Ltd to prepare and carry out their public consultation on the Draft Environmental Statement in relation to the proposed high speed rail link from London to the West Midlands. The consultation runs from 16 May to 11 July 2013 and allows respondents to comment specifically on the reports focusing on the 26 Community Forum Areas that cover the proposed Phase 1 route as well as other documents that are part of the Draft Environmental Statement.

Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA)

  • Together with OPM and Forster Communications, we have delivered a public dialogue and consultation process on techniques that may help avoid mitochondrial disease. The dialogue consisted of a variety of strands including an open public consultation, informing the HFEA advice to Government presented in March 2013. Our reports on all the dialogue activities can be found here.

National Grid

  • We are analysing and reporting on several of National Grid's recent consultations while helping them prepare and design a number of further consultations.

Natural England

  • We are working with Natural England on a Sciencewise funded piece of work to embed public dialogue in three Nature Improvement Areas (NIAs) local planning process. NIAs are areas which will become much better places for wildlife through creating more and better-connected habitats at a landscape scale, providing space for wildlife to thrive and adapt to climate change. The three NIAs which we are working with are Meres and Mosses, Morecambe Bay, and Nene Valley. The project will run until the end of March 2015 and, as well as the public dialogue activities delivered for each of the NIAs we are working with, an important output from the project will be a report identifying lessons learnt and good practice for application across the other NIAs and similar initiatives in the future.

Western Power Distribution

  • We are analysing and reporting on Western Power Distribution's consultations for the Brechfa Forest electricity connection.



Photo: Lucy Farrow Open data, big data, rich data?
By Lucy Farrow

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DECC Low Carbon Communities Challenge
A two-year project testing ways to cut emissions at the community level.

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Dialogue Designer is a free tool which offers guidance in choosing the best engagement process for any given task.

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