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Newsletter, May 2007

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And another thing...

At the risk of boring you further with the wonders of Dialogue Designer - yes, we are revoltingly smug about it - you may not have noticed the button that says 'Handbook' on the menu bar.

Lurking behind this button in .pdf form is much wisdom distilled from the wide and deep experience of Dialogue by Design's facilitators, associates and clients. It is our attempt to gather in one place everything we have learned about making engagement processes and meetings as productive as they can be.

Our Handbook of Public & Stakeholder Engagement fills in some of the detail that Dialogue Designer itself cannot include. You will find everything from serious conceptual pieces on how to think about engagement to tips on how to deal with people who are not as cooperative as they might be.

The Handbook will probably be published commercially in due course, but for now it is another free download - on the condition that you tell us what you think of it, how it could be improved, and about anything that you think is wrong or missing.

Register here to use Dialogue Designer and to get access to the Handbook. Please send any feedback to Sarah Alder at [email protected].


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