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Newsletter, May 2007

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Dialogue Designer - initial response

We are pleased to announce that last month we had a resounding response to Dialogue Designer, with over 300 people subscribing from 15 countries around the world!

For those of you who do not know about Dialogue Designer, it is a tool that enables you to choose the right method for engaging with people. Dialogue Designer uses four simple questions, which cover what you want to achieve, who you want to consult with, how sensitive the subject matter or relationship is and how much time you have to run the consultation. It then computes the possible methods, rejecting those that will not deliver, outlining pros and cons and giving other helpful, practical advice.

Since launching the tool, we have received a number of really positive comments. Here are a few:

Congratulations on making it work so well on the web and making it free access…

What a great resource…

I have to say I think this site is really good - I am sure I will use it frequently.

This is great, I’ll be directing people to it a lot I should think. I love the manual too, very user friendly.

If you haven’t subscribed to Dialogue Designer you can go to the website, subscribe and use the tool for free.

If you find it useful then please feel free to link your own website to it to make it easier for others to find.

We are also keen to hear from you if you have any further feedback (good or bad) about the tool - please send your feedback to Sarah Alder at [email protected]


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