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Stage 1: Design

Stage 2: Recruitment

Stage 3: Implementation

Stage 4: Analysis

Stage 5: Reporting

Stage 6: Evaluation

Stage 7: Resolution

Methods: Web-based

Methods: Meeting-based

Methods: Paper-based

Methods: Integrated

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Paper-based Consultation

While we pride ourselves on our effective use of web-based and face-to-face consultation, we recognise that paper-based consultation is sometimes essential. In fact, we never run a web-based consultation without offering a paper-based alternative for those without access to the Internet.

The need to do this has lead us to some new approaches to paper-based consultation:

  • We ensure that paper-based and online consultations follow similar formats to enable the results to be analysed using the same methods
  • Wherever possible we enter paper-based results into an online database so that results from whichever method can be jointly analysed
  • All results, regardless of source, will be published on the project website to ensure transparency (where required).

Where a very high number of paper-based responses are expected we recommend using a questionnaire in a format that can be scanned into our databases for rapid analysis and reporting.


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