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Who we are

Our services

Stage 1: Design

Stage 2: Recruitment

Stage 3: Implementation

Stage 4: Analysis

Stage 5: Reporting

Stage 6: Evaluation

Stage 7: Resolution

Methods: Web-based

Methods: Meeting-based

Methods: Paper-based

Methods: Integrated

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Integrated Approach

Clients increasingly ask us to develop projects that use a combination of face-to-face, paper-based and electronic methods to reach as many people as possible.

The integrated approach is particularly effective when a longer-term consultation process is required.

For example, we are running integrated consultations for, among others, Surrey and Kent County Councils, Defra, and the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM).

Smart Panel

We have used our experience in this area to develop Smart Panel, an innovative panel solution combining representativeness, integrated methods and a deliberative approach to engagement rather than just tick-box surveys.

This is a major development in the area of the citizens' panel. For more information click here. For an explanation of the somewhat bewildering array of different types of panel see our June newsletter article on panels.


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