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Who we are

Our services

Stage 1: Design

Stage 2: Recruitment

Stage 3: Implementation

Stage 4: Analysis

Stage 5: Reporting

Stage 6: Evaluation

Stage 7: Resolution

Methods: Web-based

Methods: Meeting-based

Methods: Paper-based

Methods: Integrated

Supporting services




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Facilitated engagement

We have extensive experience of designing and facilitating meetings and other engagement processes and, through our network of professionals in the UK and abroad, are in a position to undertake projects of any size.

Our experience ranges from international meetings for the chemical industry, national workshops on government strategy, such as for Defra on waste strategy, to local community based workshops, for example for Surrey County Council.

Facilitation can also be used as a very effective way to create and depict fully a single issue or situation in preparation for engagement.

Innovation in facilitation

Our experience puts us in a position to be able to design innovative new methods of facilitation for unusual requirements, to extend the possibilities and to make the whole process more stimulating and interesting.

In general, the most effective facilitated processes are designed specifically for the task at hand.

Deep Dialogue

We can provide third party mediation to resolve deep-rooted conflict through Andrew Acland, an international expert in the area and a member of the UK Panel of Independent Mediators. Andrew has been involved in mediation since 1985, and his experience includes situations of political, commercial, organisational and community conflict. He has written and lectured widely on mediation and conflict resolution, and is the author of two well-regarded books on the subject, A Sudden Outbreak of Common Sense: Managing Conflict through Mediation (Century Business 1990) and Resolving Disputes Without Going To Court (Random Century 1995).


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