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Who we are

Our services

Stage 1: Design

Stage 2: Recruitment

Stage 3: Implementation

Stage 4: Analysis

Stage 5: Reporting

Stage 6: Evaluation

Stage 7: Resolution

Methods: Web-based

Methods: Meeting-based

Methods: Paper-based

Methods: Integrated

Supporting services




Press room

About consultation

Demonstration video

Site map

Stage 6: Evaluation

As we all become sufferers of 'consultation fatigue' it becomes increasingly necessary to evaluate what we do and how we do it.

Dialogue by Design has an evaluation template that is comprehensive enough to suit most needs without being overly burdensome for those who use it.

A series of questions, which can be customised to meet the needs of any engagement process, helps you to evaluate systematically every aspect of the process from its original rationale to the eventual results.

The template covers the following five headings

Purpose: To check that what was done achieved the original purpose(s)

Methods: To check whether appropriate methods and techniques were used

Responses: To ensure that the level and range of responses validates the exercise

Products: To identify what was produced and organised

Outcomes: To identify what was achieved.

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