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Who we are

Our services

Stage 1: Design

Stage 2: Recruitment

Stage 3: Implementation

Stage 4: Analysis

Stage 5: Reporting

Stage 6: Evaluation

Stage 7: Resolution

Methods: Web-based

Methods: Meeting-based

Methods: Paper-based

Methods: Integrated

Supporting services




Press room

About consultation

Demonstration video

Site map

Stage 5: Reporting

The challenge of reporting is to show participants submissions in a way that makes them both accessible and transparent, and this can be extremely time-consuming.

Dialogue by Design’s collation tool has the added advantage that it can be used to export the collated results directly back to the web in a structure that makes it easy for people to find both their own submissions and others that interest them.

The context in which reports are made is critical to making them understandable. So designing the whole consultation or engagement process with effective reporting in mind is important. The structure of consultations that we design ensures that the reports are widely seen and understood.

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