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Newsletter, June 2007

Contents this month

Science Communication conference organised by the BA and the Royal Society

How public engagement in science and technology can be used to influence policy making has been a challenge for the science community for several years. In May Pippa took part in a conference organised jointly by the BA and the Royal Society on Science Communication. The panel included Andrew Dillon from NICE, Prof Sandy Thomas from Foresight and Prof Celia Davies from the LSE. The first day of the conference was devoted to public engagement while the second was used to discuss climate change.

Pippa used our sciencehorizons project as an example that aims to help policy makers to consider the views of the public in developing policy on new science and technology. The session was full to bursting; the whole topic is obviously challenging many people in the science engagement field.

Sciencehorizons is a fascinating project in its own right: click the link to have a look. We are following the consultation with a seminar for policymakers within government to discover what issues new science and technology raises for policy making. We will identify issues emerging from the sciencehorizons project that have clear policy homes, make links between issues and identify issues for which there are significant policy gaps.

This is just the start of the process - a warm up - the results will be presented later this year and it will be a while longer before we will know how they have been used.


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