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Newsletter, May 2008

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Contents this month

Project News

We have a busy summer ahead here at Dialogue by Design, with numerous new projects coming in. We are now embarking on major price-review consultations for Thames Water and EDF Energy, an international consultation on concrete recyling for the WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) and for The Archers fans, a series of workshops looking at anaerobic digestion for WRAP and the Environment Agency. Details of the Thames Water project are listed below, and more information on the other projects to come.

Thames Water - Draft Water Resources Management Plan

Understanding the expectations of their customers, employees and other stakeholders is very important to Thames Water. On 7 May 2008 Thames Water published their draft Water Resources Management Plan for the 25-year period from 2010 to 2035. The draft Plan sets out how Thames Water plan to ensure there will be sufficient water available to meet Thames Water customers’ needs over the next 25 years.

A challenge often faced by the team at DbyD is how to display a wealth of information in a clear way for participants to access. Thames Water’s draft Plan comprises six volumes. The summary overview (Volume 1) is used throughout each of the question pages on the consultation website to provide participants with some introductory information to inform their responses to the questions. There are also a series of links within this summary to the relevant sections (within Volumes 2-6) should participants require more detailed information.

Another feature of this consultation website is that many future consultations, including the ‘Price Review’, will be accessible from the same web pages. This allows for multiple consultations to run at the same time and participants can choose which consultations they would like to register for and take part in.

Find yourself in a field

Andrew Acland is once again part of the team that delivers Forum for the Future�s annual Reconnections programme. This week-long retreat in the Lake District with Jonathon Porritt provides the space to re-connect with the natural world and to immerse yourself in the ethical, philosophical and spiritual dimensions of sustainable development. For more information and registration please go to

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