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Running Public Meetings

Consultation managers often dread running public meetings. Will anyone come? If they do come, how will they behave? Will a vociferous minority hijack the meeting and heckle the speakers? And what happens if it all goes wrong and makes the situation worse?

Public meetings need not be a nightmare - providing they are properly conceived and carefully chaired or facilitated.

Who is it for?

Consultation managers or other officials in the public, private or voluntary sectors entrusted with running public meetings.

Course content

We can show you how to:

  • Set realistic objectives
  • Design the meeting process
  • Brief speakers
  • Manage the use of time
  • Use breakout groups
  • Record contributions
  • Deal with hostile criticism

or to combine this content with that of designing meetings for a more comprehensive course.

To enquire about a customised training course, contact us.


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