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Involve - Consultation on participation guidelines for the Home Office

Involve is a new initiative to investigate whether new forms of public participation can strengthen Britain's democracy. A network of some 600 individuals and over 200 organisations has been established to draw on experience, expertise, learning and innovation.

In 2004 the Home Office Civil Renewal Unit commissioned Involve to create a public participation guidance document to help people understand more about the practical workings of participation, so they can do it better, and provide a framework for assessing different techniques so that people can collect their own evidence about 'what works' for them in different circumstances.

To gather comments on an early draft of the document, including comment on the content and structure, and suggestions for case studies.

During the autumn of 2004 Involve ran a series of workshops around the UK (Manchester, Newtown (Wales), Glasgow, and London), bringing together participation practitioners and commissioners from different sectors. These meetings revealed the need for input from a wide range of people with extensive experience and expertise.

The draft document was divided into sections and placed on the web within Dialogue by Design's Document Review software. Participants commented on the text, section by section.

The document was then revised using these comments, and both comments and the revised document were then posted on the website.

Some 200 people registered to participate in the online process with 43 submitting detailed comments on the draft document.

The document can be downloaded here


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