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Citizens' Panels

Citizens' Panels are an effective means to discover stakeholder opinions without over-burdening the local population with endless surveys or those who have to process, analyse and report the results.

The attractions of making Citizens’ Panels electronic are obvious - large savings on time and money, and much faster processing of the results.

But how representative can an E-Panel be when only about half the population uses the Internet?

Smart Panel™

We have created Smart Panel to get around this problem. Smart Panel enables you to:

  • Engage a representative cross-section of the local population
  • Use electronic processes to save time and money
  • Integrate electronic, paper-based and telephone responses
  • Involve larger samples to ensure results are credible
  • Collate, organise and analyse detailed qualitative comments
  • Provide transparent feedback to both participants and decision makers

The great advantage of Smart Panel is that it uses whichever contact method is best for the participants - encouraging interest and increasing response rates. By using the same structure for the task regardless of whether the results are received electronically, on paper, or by telephone, the whole process becomes simpler and faster. And we provide you with both an easy to use analysis tool and the ability to display results clearly and easily on a website.

To use Smart Panel:

  • You provide us with details of your representative panel, including names, addresses and e-mail contacts, and how often you will want to consult them.
  • We will set up Smart Panel on a website branded to your specification.
  • When you want to put questions or issues to your Smart Panel you let us know the details and we handle the rest.
  • At the end of each use we will provide you with the data on our Dialogue DX system which allows you to collate and analyse responses.
  • The results can then be uploaded to the website, allowing anyone to browse the responses and read those that particularly interest them.

Further information

All panels are customised to client needs, costs vary according to size, duration and frequency of use. For further information and to discuss your individual requirements please contact us by email or call us on 020 8683 6602.

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