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Photo: Pippa HyamPippa Hyam - Process Director

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Pippa is one of the UK's leading facilitators. She is a pioneer in the use of stakeholder dialogue and participatory processes in decision making. Starting her career in information and communications at Friends of the Earth UK, she went on to work in Canada for a company dedicated to public policy decision making (PDA International). She went on to set up and run PDA's office in London for three years prior to setting up her own business. Pippa was a founder member of The Environment Council's Environmental Resolve Committee as well as a founder member of Interact, a network of practitioners, commentators and academics working in the field of participation.

Pippa was responsible for the design and running of a project to develop a community waste strategy in Hampshire in the early 1990's, one of the UK's earliest examples of a participatory approach to community consultation and involvement. Following that she led a team in the design and implementation of a pan-European project for Shell to find a solution to the Brent Spar disposal problem. She has worked on projects as diverse as international consultations around gas exploration projects in Peru, mining projects in Madagascar, the development of best practice guidelines for the renewable energy sector, community planning processes for local communities and strategic decision making workshops for corporations.

Since setting up Dialogue by Design Pippa has specialised in designing techniques that integrate face to face approaches to consulation and engagement with web-based tools.

Pippa also works with a number of organisations to deliver training courses in facilitation and process management.

Photo: Dominic GoodingDr Dominic Gooding - IT Director

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Formerly a lecturer at the University of Warwick working with the Development Technology Unit, Dominic went on to become the Director of Creative Environmental Networks, a European Energy Agency dedicated to reducing the environmental impacts of energy consumption, alleviating fuel poverty and promoting socially sustainable business.

Dominic has an engineering background with both B.Eng. and PhD. He has been developing data management and IT systems since 1993 when he wrote a finite elements engineering package to model the propagation of dynamic stress waves through semi-compressible materials. Subsequently he has developed many multi-tiered software applications concerned with the efficient management of high volume business data and information storage. His specialism is the integration of user-friendly presentation applications with performance data storage and interrogation.

Dominic has considerable IT skills and programs at an advanced level in several languages including; visual basic, java, javascript, ASP, JSP, SQL, XML and HTML

Photo Andrew AclandAndrew Acland - Associate Director

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Andrew has been an author, trainer, consultant and practitioner in mediation, conflict resolution, consensus-building and stakeholder dialogue since 1985, and has worked in contexts ranging from the political, social and environmental to the legal, corporate and organisational. He was one of the pioneers of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the United Kingdom; his political intervention experience includes South Africa and the Middle East; and in 1994 Andrew was Bryant Wedge Visiting Professor at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University.

Since 1992 Andrew Acland has specialised in designing and facilitating dialogue in complex, multi-party, multi-issue contexts, often with environmental and/or social sustainability dimensions. He was a founding member of The Environment Council's innovative consensus-building and stakeholder dialogue programmes, and shared responsibility for developing its enormously successful and influential facilitator training programmes. He has worked with NGOs, government and business on issues such as the transport of nuclear waste, decommissioning of offshore installations; industrial development in environmentally sensitive areas; corporate social responsibility; genetic modification; sustainable agriculture; carbon sequestration; fuel poverty; marine exclusion zones and many others.


Sarah Alder - Project Manager

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Sarah has been with Dialogue by Design since August 2005 and in the time has made invaluable contributions to several ongoing face-to-face, paper and web-based projects. These projects have covered issues related to the environment, sustainable development, corporate social responsibility and local participation.

Based on her experience as a research assistant in both Canada and Australia she brings in high levels of organisational and communication skills combined with an understanding of sustainability issues. Within the field of sustainability Sarah has dealt with a variety of disciplines and carried out cumulative research related to benchmarking, guideline development and sustainable destination management.

Sarah holds a Bachelors degree in Environmental Management specialising in Sustainable Development.

Mark Denley - Project Assistant

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Mark joined Dialogue by Design in November 2007. Mark�s main focus is as part of the team managing the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Stakeholder Engagement programme. He has also been involved with a number of projects including a consultation on congestion charging for Cambridgeshire County Council and the Essex Strategy.

Previously Mark worked for the London Fire Brigade where he assisted the auditing and enforcement of fire safety legislation in public premises. He also carried out a research project for the Fire Industry Association on the impact of new legislation which saw him liaise with stakeholders such as the Department of Communities and Local Government and the UK’s fire and rescue services. The findings of the project were published in a leading trade magazine. Mark holds a BA History (Hons.) from University of East Anglia.

Sarah Graham - Project Coordinator

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Sarah joined Dialogue by Design in December 2006.

Sarah has been brought in to manage the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Stakeholder Engagement project. Dialogue by Design are convening this project in partnership with 3KQ.

Prior to joining Dialogue by Design Sarah worked for six years at The Environment Council on a variety of stakeholder engagement projects in the fields of waste, regeneration and biodiversity. Sarah has a BSc in Geography and Geology.

Isabelle Guyot - Project Manager

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Isabelle Guyot is a project manager at Dialogue by Design, specialising in stakeholder liaison and management. Her main role is to manage the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Stakeholder Engagement project.

Her background is in business administration, and she has several years of experience working with both customers and stakeholders. Prior to joining Dialogue by Design, Isabelle spent four years working on a United Nations initiative called the Global Compact (a voluntary code of conduct on social responsibility that companies can sign up to and deliver), being the main contact point of the French network.

Isabelle holds a Master degree in Public Relations in Environment and is multilingual, speaking English, French and German fluently.

Photo: Erwin JuenemannErwin Juenemann - Project Manager

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Erwin joined Dialogue by Design in January 2005. He has worked in various areas of project management such as event organisation, publishing, and employee research.

At his previous position as Senior Associate for an Employee Research company in London, Erwin has organised employee surveys for large international companies. Before coming to London in 2003, Erwin was Project Manager for the Heinrich Boell Foundation in Berlin in the Sustainable Development team. Here, his main focus was on events and publications. He was responsible for project co-ordination, budget administration and financial accounting, speaker communication and support, marketing, overseeing the production of publications, and on-site organisation. This work involved communication with a wide range of people from all over the world, e.g. at the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002. Erwin holds degrees in Business Adminstration (MBA) and Psychology.

Remco van der Stoep - Project Manager

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Remco van der Stoep is a project manager at Dialogue by Design, specialising in research and analysis. In previous positions he has managed a series of research projects on a variety of topics. His work involved collecting and analysing qualitative and quantitative data, liaising with clients and stakeholders and writing reports.

Having lived and worked in different European countries, Remco is multilingual and fluent in speaking and writing English, French and Dutch. Remco holds a Masters degree in Environmental and Infrastructure Planning from the University of Groningen.

Hannah Vernon - Project Manager

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Hannah joined Dialogue by Design in July 2006. She manages a variety of face-to-face and web-based projects, and has played a key role in the Wider Implications of Science and Technology programme of engagement and the sciencehorizons project.

Her previous job was based in Accra, Ghana co-ordinating a programme of volunteering across the region. She holds a BSc in Biology from Sheffield University, and is currently undertaking a certificate in Community Leadership and Participation studies.

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