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Photo Andrew AclandAndrew Acland - Process Director

Andrew has been an author, trainer, consultant and practitioner in mediation, conflict resolution, consensus-building and stakeholder dialogue since 1985, and has worked in contexts ranging from the political, social and environmental to the legal, corporate and organisational. He was one of the pioneers of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the United Kingdom; his political intervention experience includes South Africa and the Middle East; and in 1994 Andrew was Bryant Wedge Visiting Professor at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University.

Since 1992 Andrew Acland has specialised in designing and facilitating dialogue in complex, multi-party, multi-issue contexts, often with environmental and/or social sustainability dimensions. He was a founding member of The Environment Council's innovative consensus-building and stakeholder dialogue programmes, and shared responsibility for developing its enormously successful and influential facilitator training programmes. He has worked with NGOs, government and business on issues such as the transport of nuclear waste, decommissioning of offshore installations; industrial development in environmentally sensitive areas; corporate social responsibility; genetic modification; sustainable agriculture; carbon sequestration; fuel poverty; marine exclusion zones and many others.


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