The Essex Partnership is the countywide local strategic partnership that was formed in 2002 as a result of the Local Government Act 2000. The members of the Essex Partnership include the County, district, borough and parish councils, the police and fire authorities, Health Trusts, businesses and voluntary sector organisations.
The Essex Partnership has a key role in encouraging community leadership, supporting new initiatives and helping to ensure the effective delivery of services. Importantly, it is recognised that defining and delivering Essex’s future needs goes beyond the remit of organisations acting alone.
Currently the Essex Partnership is overseeing the delivery of the Local Area Agreement (LAA), this is a joint project between the county's thirteen Local Strategic Partnerships. It focusses the activities of the local public sector and the community and voluntary sector on the needs of identified groups of service users and residents. For further information on the Essex LAA visit (opens in a new window)
A recent government review recommended that the next generation of community strategies should be explicitly developed as sustainable community strategies, looking forward to at least the next ten years
Sustainable communities are places where people want to live and work, now and in the future. They are a place that meets the diverse needs of existing and future residents, are sensitive to their environment and contribute to a high quality of life. They are safe and inclusive, well planned, built and run, and offer equality of opportunity and good services for all.
The Essex Partnership has recently completed its consultation with people who live and work in Essex. This consultation website allows those who contributed to view all of the feedback. You can also view the latest draft of the Essex Strategy and make further comments
These comments will be considered and used to inform the final strategy, which will be presented to an assembly of the Essex Partnership later in the year.