Nearly 300 responses were received from individuals and organisations a list is included here.

With Organisation

A Ferrand & Engineering, Andrew Stobart
aaa, dr nikolaus gerber
ABPI, Dr  Philip  Wright
ACID (Anti Copying In Design), Ms Dids Macdonald
Agricultural Biotechnology Council, Mr Robert Storer
Alswider, Mr. Matthew Shears
APGTF, Nick Otter
Association for Physical Education, Professor Margaret Talbot
auril, dr Philip Graham
Axess Technologies Ltd, Richard B Jotcham (Colin Johnston)
Badami Associates, Mr Dick Badami
BAE Systems PLC, Mr Simon Jewell
BAE Systems, Electronics and Integrated Solutions, Mr Nick Martin
BCS, Chris White, Mr Ben Arent
Bournemouth University, Dr Zulfiqar Khan
Bournemouth University, professor Nick Petford
BP, Dr Michael Barlow
Brandon Medical Co Ltd, Mr Graeme Hall
British Energy Group Plc, Mr Michael Spindler
British Heart Foundation, Mrs Yvonne Gritschneder
British Music Rights, Ms Cathy Koester
BSI, Daniel Mansfield
BT Connect, Professor Richard Dealtry
BT Group Public Affairs, Robin Seaman
Buckinghamshire New University, Mr Peter Slater
Business Inforamtion Limited, Mr Rupert Vernalls
Business Link East (of England), John Christopher
Buzz Technology Limited, Senake Atureliya
Calderdale College and Calderdale Adult Learning, Mrs Joan Nadin
Cambridge Integrated Knowledge Centre, Dr Terry Clapp
Campaign for Science & Engineering, Mr Nick Dusic
Caparo plc, John Wood
CBI, Tim Bradshaw
Cenamps, Dr Michael Pitkethly
Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, Ms Dani Salvadori
CEO Tiga/Chair EGDF, Fred Hasson
CFSD, Martin Charter
China-Britain Business Council, Chris Cotton
CIHE, Richard Brown
Composites Research, Mr Gary Holloway
Constructing Excellence, Bethan Morgan
Constructing Futures, R F White
Construction, Mr Jeff Crowder
Coors Brewers Ltd, Mr David Wiggins
Crowcon Detection Instruments Ltd., Dr Stefan Kukula
DG - The Russell Group, Dr  Wendy  Piatt
Diameter Ltd, Professor Tony Anson
Director, Global Research, Jeremy Watson
DIUS, Dr Alex King
DIUS, Fiona McWilliam
DIUS, Nigel Stevens
Doosan Babcock Energy Ltd, Mike Farley
Durham  University, Ms Wendy Harle
Durham University, Mrs Val Wooff
Dynevor Centre for Art, Design & Media, Andy Penaluna
e2v, Andy Bennett
e-Democracy Consultant, Gez Smith
education otherwise, mrs Annette Taberner
Education Otherwise, Ms Fiona Nicholson
Electronic Data Systems Limited, Mr James Johns
Eng University of Bath, Mike Hinds
Engine, Mr Aviv Katz
Enterprise Educators UK, Dr Julie Holland
Environmental KTN, Dr Simon Jackman
E.ON Central Networks, Sarah Rigby
e-Science Institute, University of Edinburgh, Professor Malcolm Atkinson
EURIM, MS Emma Fryer
Euro Environmental Containers, Stella H Howell
European Parliament, miss Lucy Davies
Fellow, SPRU Science & Technology Research, Univ of Sussex, Jennifer Gristock
Firsthand, Matt Marsh
Fleishman-Hillard Group Limited, Richard Robinson
Food Processing KTN, Dr Ken Johnston
Futurelab, Mr Dan Sutch
Genzyme, Steve Bates/John Ivory
GlaxoSmithKline, Sue Middleton
GuildHE, Miss Alice Hynes
Hi Tech/Advanced Eng, John Christopher
Hylton Associates, Dr Mark Hylton
ibexcellence, Miss Alison Nicholl
IBM, Chris Francis
IBM, Chris Godwin
Image Dynamics, Mr Keith Bound
Imperial College London, Dr Colin Wyatt
individual, mr alex stobart
Individual, Ms Susanna Matthan
Institute of Grassland & Environmental Research , Dr Kit Macleod
Institution of Engineering and Technology, Mr Paul Davies
Intellect, Carrie Hartnell
Intellect, Mr Nick Kalisperas
International Risk Governance Council, Christopher Bunting
Inventor of SEARASER, Alvin Smith
IXC UK - University of Birmingham, Mrs Caroline Bishop, Mr Peter Noad MBE
Jaguar & LandRover, Mr Antony Harper
jonathan kennedy design ltd, mr jonathan kennedy
Kent County Council, Mr Noel Hatch
King's College London, Dr Alison Campbell
Kloss Innovation, Gernot Kloss
Lancaster University, Professor  Trevor J  McMillan
Learning & Skills Network, Mike Cox
Leatherhead Food International, Dr Angus Knight
London Borough of Hounslow, Dr Genevieve Hibbs
London Metropolitan University, Mr Tony Doherty
Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, MBS, Prof. Jakob Edler
Manchester Knowledge, Dr Cathy Garner
Mark Porter Maths Tuition, Dr. Mark Porter
mcp, dr martin kllar
Medical Futures, Mr Andy Goldberg
Metalogic Plc, Mr. Leigh Harrison
Micro Planning International Ltd, Mr John Cornish
MoJ/DIUS, Mr Justin Kerr-Stevens
Mouchel, Dr Lee Canning
Nat Consumer Council, Asmita Vara
National Farmers' Union, Dr Helen Ferrier
National Productivity Centre, Mr John Heap
NDE Research Association Limited, Mr Peter Thayer
Newcastle City Council, Miss Jean Mathison
None, Mr Rob Mallows
None, Mr Robert Laws
None, Mr. Sean Delay
North West Development Agency, Mr David Sanderson
Oakdene Hollins ltd, Mr Nick Morley
Odit, Professor  Paul  Jeffreys
One North East, Chris Pywell
One NorthEast, Mr Mark Pearson
Opinions Ltd, Mr Phil Kroll
Ordnance Survey, Mr David Overton
Ordnance Survey, Paul Taylor
Oxford Innovation, David Kingham
Oxford to Cambridge Arc, Nicholas Miles
Papworth Hospital NHS, Dr  Peter  Blenkinsop
Partnership Governance, Megan Mathias
Paul Freund Associates, Dr Paul Freund
Pearson Matthews Ltd, Mr Mike Pearson
Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Mr Mark Kelly
PETeC, Dr Michael Cooke
Pfizer Ltd, Stephen Skyrme
PlayGen Ltd, Mr Kam Memarzia
Policy Analyst, Lucia Quintero
Pro Vice Chancellor for External Relations, Chris Hensall
Procession plc, Mr David Chassels
Psi-tran Ltd, Dr  David W  Robinson
Qinetiq, Sir  John  Chisholm
Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, Professor Geoffrey Harrison
queen Mary Univ. London, prof pankaj vadgama
Quigley Design, Mr Kevin Quigley
Rail Safety and Standards Board, Mr Ray Peach
Research Council for Complementary Medicine, Prof Nicola Robinson
Research Councils UK, Professor  Ian  Diamond
Research In Motion, Ms Elizabeth Kanter
Resource Efficiency KTN, Mr Tony Hartwell
responding as an individual., Dr Martyn Thomas, Mr Colin Small
Royal Agriciultural College, Simon King
Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Jeremy Holmes
Royal Society of Chemistry, Ms Heather McFarlane
SAMI Consulting, Mrs Gill Ringland
SBAC, Sarah Macken
Science and Technology Facilities Council, Dr. Peter Williams
Selex Sensors and Airborne Systems, Mr Mark Hartree
SEMTA, Claire Donovan
Shinergise Partners Ltd, Mr. Hamish Taylor
Six Science Cities Grp, Michael Clarke
Social Enterprise Coalition, Mr Daniel Shah
STFC, Dr Neil Geddes
Sustainable Developments Ltd, Stan Green
SWRDA, Rebecca Garrod-Waters
Syngenta, Dr Mike Bushell
Technology Matters, Dr Chris Farrell
Technology Strategy Board, Dr Merlin Goldman
Thales, Paul Davies
The British Ecological Society, Ms Ceri Margerison
The Business Innovation Group, Prof David Hughes
The Institute of Physics, Alex Connor
The Physiological Society, Dr Elizabeth Bell
The Royal Society, Peter Collins
The Technology Club Ltd, Dr Theresa Gow
The University of Nottingham, Dr Richard Masterman
The Wellcome Trust, Dr  Mark J  Walport
Tina Grace Research + Design, Ms Tina Grace
Transport for London, Nick Bromley
Triune Medical Technologies, Dr. Gabriel Adusei
TUC, Tim Page
TUV NEL Ltd, Michael Valente
TWI Ltd, Peter Oakley
UCB Group, Ian Weatherhead
Ufi Ltd, Sarah Jane Smalley
UK Polymer IRC, Professor  Thomas  McLeish
Uni of East London Docklands Camp, Ray Wilkinson
Unico, David Secher
Universities UK, Helen Mansfield
University College for the Creative Arts, Dr Seymour Roworth-Stokes
University of Exeter, Professor  Steve  Smith AcSS
University of Exeter, Professor Stephen  Brown
University of Glasgow, Ms Kristy Bremner
University of Glasgow, Prof David Britton
University of Hertfordshire, Alix Green
University of Kent, Carole Barron
University of Leicester, Dr Matt Burleigh
University of Manchester, Professor Carole Goble
University of Nottingham, School of  Chemistry, Professor Martin Schroder
University of Oxford, Dr Max Little
University of Southampton, Professor David De Roure
University of the West of England, Bristol, Dr David Brennand
University of the West of Scotland, Mr David Kennedy
University of Warwick, Dr Julian Moss
University of Warwick, Dr Ken Young
University of Warwick, Dr Mark Bobe
Vision2020group, Robert Fisher
Weber Shandwick (Univ of Central Lancashire), Amy Finlayson
Winnovation (Walker Innovation Networks Ltd), Mr Chris Walker
Ya-Ya Events Event Management Company, Anita Howard

Without Organisation

Justin Adams
Dr p andrews
Mr Joseph Bayley
Don Braben
Mr Michael Browne
Mr Derek Cheshire
Mr Graham Chisnell
Dr Fiona Cochrane
Mr Michael Davis
Colin Day
Ms Debbie Duis
Mr Tim Ellison
Mr Philip Ely
Mr Ross Ferguson
Ian Gilmartin
Dr Sarah Goulding
Stephen Haddrill
Mr Simon Hanson
mr shurwin harewood
Dr Ian Harrison
Dr Dylan Henderson
Jimmy Li
Mr Warren Lockhart
Mr Nico Macdonald
mr ronald marchant
Dr John Marriott
Mr. Austin Matthews
Mr Gordon Pumphrey
Dr Neil Ravenhill
Robin Saxby
Ms Marion Scott
Dr John Smith
Andy Stobart
Ms A Strachan
Chris Thompson
Dr Graham Torr
Mr Philip Virgo
Stephen Voller
Mr Peter Wainwright
Mrs Melanie Williams

(Apologies for any unintended omissions)